My granddaughters loved their new canvases for their room! then again, they have to - I am their grandma after all! Fun fun time visiting them all. They live up north so I don't get to see them as often as I want. Love them SO much!
I'm getting ready for my big shows this Spring - Majestic Oaks and Candleberry Boutiques and the Canterbury Spring Show! Super excited about Canterbury, March 28,29, 30 - my first time there and it is a juried show. I'll know my Booth # soon, and I'll post more info soon. The first show of the season is Majestic Oaks - March 12-23. Candleberry follows in April. More info later. Working on new art and will be selling large originals. These 3 are 16x16. (I'll make them into smaller prints)
I cannot wait for Spring! Starting to plan my gardens too. I have 6 blueberry bushes that haven't produced so one job is to transplant them. I'll be doing lots of transplanting and dividing this year. More soon, xox lauriejeanne