Friday, February 14, 2014


A special request from my sister and I was more than happy to imbibe - I mean indulge - I mean oblige!
plus, a few more new ones:


will update you on the upcoming shows soon!  xoxo laurie Jeanne

Thursday, February 13, 2014


My granddaughters loved their new canvases for their room!  then again, they have to - I am their grandma after all!  Fun fun time visiting them all.  They live up north so I don't get to see them as often as I want.  Love them SO much!

I'm getting ready for my big shows this Spring - Majestic Oaks and Candleberry Boutiques and the Canterbury Spring Show!  Super excited about Canterbury, March 28,29, 30 - my first time there and it is a juried show.  I'll know my Booth # soon, and I'll post more info soon.  The first show of the season is Majestic Oaks - March 12-23.  Candleberry follows in April.  More info later.  Working on new art and will be selling large originals.  These 3 are 16x16. (I'll make them into smaller prints)


I cannot wait for Spring!  Starting to plan my gardens too.  I have 6 blueberry bushes that haven't produced so one job is to transplant them.  I'll be doing lots of transplanting and dividing this year.  More soon,  xox lauriejeanne

Friday, February 7, 2014


I've just finished painting and hand lettering my presents for my two oldest granddaughters, Rachel and Emily. They are 10 and 13 - a teenager now!  so hard to believe.  These are 12"x12" canvases and I put their birthstone rhinestones in the center of the daisies.  They are of their favorite bible verses,  I can't wait for them to open their presents!  I'm adding these 2 designs along with other ones to my spring line which I'll debut in March.

I am so glad January is finally over!  Altho we still have a lot of winter left.  But we're counting down to gardening and warm sunshine!  xoxo lauriejeanne